Consider your website to be your business card. When users arrive at your home page, they have two options: go on to another portion of your site to learn more about your business, or navigate away, never to be heard from again. This is where you get the basic notion.
While photos and videos play an important role in building a site’s “awesomeness,” there are several other critical components and methods that go into creating a great site. Here are 9 tips for great website design by Web Developer Dubai.
This is perhaps the most basic understanding of what consumers want and need from a website before they commit to scrolling through it. Any successful design should put the user experience (UX) first. Customers will not have a lot of time to squander looking for a specific page or area. They want it quick and easy to find…two “Fs” that are essential for a user-friendly environment.
It’s mobile-friendly
Perform a fast search to see how often visitors visit a website using their mobile devices rather than their PCs or laptops. At least when it comes to initial visits, the stats tend to favor the former category. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, that is, if it doesn’t run effectively on a smartphone or appears amateurish and clumsy, you’re sure to irritate and irritate users.
3-Information that is new
The worst mistake you can do for your overall website design is to use old and bland material, or worse, content that has been rehashed (and not very effectively) from another site. Sites that post new content regularly and do so to stand out from the competition are always more successful.
Aesthetically appealing
Isn’t it obvious? When a person views your website, chances are they won’t stay long if it’s uninspiring and/or plain dull to look at. Give it some life. In terms of general aesthetic appeal, make sure it has depth and flair. At the same time, avoid making the site too complicated. The most attractive websites often have an intrinsic simplicity that reassures the user.
Imagery that is strategically used
Because a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words, carefully including photos and other images in your website design is critical. Let’s face it, the ordinary user prefers to “see” instead of “read” something. You must provide them with the best compromise: a new and relevant message, as well as photographs and visual imagery to create a multi-dimensional user experience.
6-Easily distinguishable navigation menu
Things come and go, but when it comes to your website’s navigation bar, trendy isn’t necessarily the best option. It’s not exactly conducive to easy engagement if a user has to search through your landing/home page to find the menu that will allow them to travel to other portions of the site.
Maintain navigation menus on the main page. Help ensure it’s obvious that it’s a site menu. To some level, being clever with page/part names is acceptable, but if it leaves visitors perplexed as to what that page or section is about, it may not be the greatest tactic.
7-There are obvious calls to action
Customers who frequent your website are usually doing so for one of two reasons: they may be curious about your brand or they may be considering making a purchase. However, if your website lacks a clear call to action, the visitor will depart without taking any action. If you want them to buy something, give them a call. Say this if you want them to listen to a podcast. Be precise if you want them to join your mailing list.
8-Information about how to contact us is available
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to conceal your contact information, such as a phone number, email address, and physical address, so deep that customers can’t discover it. Make sure that some aspect of your contact information is immediately accessible on every page/section, whether it’s a phone number or an email address.
Constant feel and appearance
Like most things, continuity is crucial, especially when it comes to effective website design. The entire website suffers if pages/sections are dissonant if they don’t flow nicely together if random themes are hastily connected. Consistency is key!
Contact Saad Ashraf to design the greatest websites for you.