For attention spans getting shorter by the day, you can’t expect users to sit around waiting for loading your web pages. This will mean that users may never return from your page. Therefore, Freelance Web Developer Dubai optimizes the load speed of your website at every point to reduce bounce levels and increase the rankings of UX and SEO.
Google’s Page Speed and Yahoo’s YSlow, both of which require Firefox and the Firebug add-on, are two of the prime tools that can be used to evaluate page load speed. GTmetrix uses both of these metrics to assess page quality and shows you how to correct the site’s errors to speed up. The GTmetrix evaluation is based on the rule to set for your reference.
What is GTmetrix?
It is one of the most popular site speed performance analysis tools. Whenever you evaluate a website, it will provide a performance rating and a report that indicates the site’s current status along with some suggestions on how to improve it.
Website Page Speed Rules:
1) Minimize redirects now:
Redirects lead to additional requests for HTTP and lag in the time of the round trip. You must avoid redirects, particularly for the assets of your homepage. Using redirects only where no other solution can be found.
2) Combining external JavaScript:
While creating web applications in modular, interchangeable components is a good practice, one-by-one importing modules for an HTML page could significantly increase the load time. The combination of external JavaScripts for improved load speed, reduced round trip time and reduced resource upload delays is therefore advisable.
3) Combining external CSS:
Multiple CSS files can increase round trip time and delays in downloading other resources, just like multiple JavaScripts. So if your site combines many CSS files, Google will recommend up to 3, but preferably 2 CSS files.
4) Enabling Gzip compression:
The server is asked to produce the file once users demand a webpage. The page will take more time to load on the browser if this file size is bulky. Until uploading to the app, Gzip compresses these webpage and style sheet files by speeding up the process. Then, use gzip, you need to customize your pages.
5) Minify JavaScript and CSS:
Minifying helps eliminate posts and white spaces that are unnecessary, resulting in reduced file size and response time. Minifying is therefore essential to increase speed.
6) Put CSS on top:
In case the page style changes, most browsers block progressive rendering to prevent redrawing elements. You must keep style sheets in the header to ensure progressive rendering to avoid a situation where users are stuck displaying a blank page on the browser.
7) Use Cookie-free domain:
When a browser requests static data and cookies are sent with the request, the server ignores the cookies because they are unwanted traffic on the network. To load the site quickly, serve static content from a cookie-free domain.
8) Reduce DNS lookup:
The client will contact a Domain Name System (DNS) resolver if you type a URL into a database, this DNS resolver will then return the IP address of the server. Multiple DNS searches add to the loading time of the site to ensure that requests to multiple hosts are not made.
9) For Performance Alert:
When the website has been completely configured and you are happy with the results from GTMetrix, you will want to keep these changes in place. Although GTMetrix is mainly used for the optimization process itself, the ability of the program to track page load speeds is a very handy feature that users can take advantage of. If a certain condition or specification is not met, GTMetrix will give you a warning via email.
If you want to know if a page starts loading unexpectedly slower than you would like, you can configure the results of GTMetrix to monitor several different performance metrics, including the most important of all, the actual page load time in seconds. Web Developer Dubai highly recommends the use of GTmetrix.
Wrapping up!
GTmetrix is a tool to help you monitor the speed quality of your page. Make sure you improve the accuracy of the test by taking into account the number of tests that you will run, locations, subjects, and time.
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Hire me to have lightning fast websites that visitors won’t click away.