Your mobile website experience will be essential to your successful marketing in 2021.
Mobile website experience has been important for a long time, but the value of a good mobile experience is only increasing. What precisely is mobile site experience? Your website must be:
- Mobile-friendliness – Is it possible to deliver the site without pinching to zoom or scrolling sideways?
- Quick loading – Will your site load before consumers are driven to return to their search?
A good mobile site experience is no longer a strategic edge; it is critical to your search performance.
The Mobile Device Is the New Desktop
It’s no wonder, given how much we’re all linked to our smartphones, that a large portion of searches is conducted via smartphones. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re not just less likely to acquire leads, but you’re also less likely to occur in search results in the first place.
The transition from mobile-friendly to mobile-first
Consumers began to get distinct search results on desktop and mobile devices at this point to adapt to users’ requirements. Site content remained number one, thus sites with poor mobile performance may still rank highly, if not first, without a mobile-friendly website.
By December 2018, mobile-first indexing has been utilized on 50% of the sites displayed in search results worldwide. Before this change, Google ranked content based on the desktop version of the site, but because the majority of Google users now access Google search via a mobile device, the mobile experience had become a premium.
So, what factors contribute to a positive mobile site experience?
Having a mobile website is no longer sufficient. Instead, you must have a genuinely mobile-optimized site. Many factors contribute to your mobile site’s overall experience:
The importance of content
When mobile sites initially became popular, it was usual to give visitors different (or less) material on mobile than on desktop to make mobile sites simple. However, with the full implementation of mobile-first ranking, your mobile site’s content must now take priority. Make sure your site’s mobile version mirrors that material, otherwise Google will ignore it.
If you use less material on your mobile site and your site has switched to mobile-first indexing, you may notice a drop in ranks or existing site performance since Google is no longer noticing the additional information on your desktop site. In essence, your mobile site has become the main version of your site, and it should be treated as such.
Designed for mobile use first
Mobile-optimized websites come in a variety of forms and sizes. Both mobile-friendly and flexible site designs are distinguished by the simplicity with which they may be accessed via a mobile device. A mobile-friendly website works the same way on desktop and mobile devices. Then you’d be able to quickly click on items, sites that are just mobile-friendly were not created with the mobile user in mind. These sites fulfill Google’s requirements and can be built in much less time.
Responsive site design alters the appearance of a website dependent on the size of the browser or device being used to view it. Because mobile device users’ behavior differs from that of desktop users, responsive sites reformat the material on a desktop site to meet the demands of mobile device users. With today’s changing world, many designers have begun to use a “mobile-first” approach to website design, concentrating on aspects such as exchange rate. Freelance Web Designer Dubai can help you create such sites.
Stand out in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)
Think like a mobile user while optimizing your site for search. SEO components such as title tags and Meta descriptions should be adjusted for what appears in mobile results to ensure that the most important information about your website is not cut off when viewed from the restricted space on mobile.
Once your mobile site experience is up to standard, keep in mind that your mobile search strategy begins with your site. Integrating onsite optimization methods such as metadata optimization and organized data usage with local SEO efforts may significantly improve your brand’s visibility on mobile devices.
Marketing for Mobile Devices
Blue Corona’s staff can help improve your mobile site experience and generate results, from mobile-first, responsive site design to search engine optimization services. Dubai Web Designer can help you design the best client-oriented sites.